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Periódicos Doblados

news corner

"Safer and healthier school environments"

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Lift-EMV (09/21/2022)

"The setback in education due to Covid-19 puts an entire generation in check"

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Spanish  (09/15/2022)

"84 million children at risk of continuing without school at the end of the decade"

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The New Century (10/07/2022)

"Goodbye to schools that look like prisons: the sustainable future is built by playing"

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The Spanish (08/07/2022)

"The students of CEIP Ochando bring to Galí ideas to improve the sustainability of Almassora"

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Castellon Plaza (25/06/2022)

"Students from CEIP Josep Iturbi and the Red Cross, detectives of the Sustainable Development Goals in Burriana"

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The periòdic (12/05/2022)

"A mural to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) at the Ausiàs March school in Els Poblets"

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The Periodic (12/05/2022)

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