The Consellería d'Educació, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana offers teachers the course called “Aula ODS”. Its objective is to know the meaning and importance of sustainable development, disseminate the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, raise awareness about the SDGs and understand individual and collective responsibilities on our planet, and know how to contribute to sustainable development. It is aimed at teachers of the last years of Primary Education and Secondary Education. The sessions take place in the morning, throughout the school year, in the educational center itself.
Through this initiative, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) aims to promote Education for Sustainable Development in schools. Since 2009, the objective of this program is to improve the training of teachers in public schools in terms of sustainability. To stimulate teacher participation, it convenes every year the National Prize for Education for Sustainable Development "Vicente Ferrer". The winning experiences are disseminated through the publication of good practices. In addition, every year it organizes the National Meeting of Teachers for Development. On its website, you can find more information about the activities it carries out, as well as access the wide range of didactic resources it has.
On this web page, the Educational Telematics Network of Catalonia (XTEC) compiles 17 globalized didactic proposals to work on the SDGs. In addition, each of them is accompanied by a video to work in class.
An initiative that emerged from the involvement of a group of Education inspectors from the Valencia Community, the Xarxa 2030 Project seeks to create a network of centers to work on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. Its fundamental objective is to support and promote, from the educational inspection, the work of Infant and Primary schools regarding the climate emergency, global citizenship and gender equality. On their website, you can find information about the activities they carry out, experiences carried out in the centers and an interesting collection of didactic resources.
State network of networks of sustainable non-university school centers, which have been promoted by public administrations. It currently has the support and collaboration of the National Center for Educational Innovation and Research and the National Center for Environmental Education. It integrates a set of networks that share interests and objectives when it comes to promoting the 2030 Agenda in educational spaces. Its organizational model favors meeting, reflection, collaboration and dissemination of the experiences that are being carried out in schools throughout the country. In addition, it offers the possibility of establishing contact and joining projects of other international networks on sustainability.
Through this website of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, it is possible to access all the existing school networks for sustainability in the different autonomous communities, such as the School Agenda21 of Castilla-La Mancha or the Xarxa d'Escoles per a la Sostenibilitat (XESC) of Catalonia.
The daily practice of the SDGs at school, following the Education for Sustainable Development model, will make it possible to achieve the Goals established in the 2030 Agenda. For this, quality education is needed. Within this framework, the CEFIRE de Xàtiva organizes the Conference on Education in SDGs in order to raise awareness, motivate and show teachers their potential to change and improve the future of all.
Integrated within the ESenRED state network, it holds different training seminars, courses, conferences, workshops and meetings attended by the environmental coordinators of the educational centers that make it up. Through this web page, you can discover how to join the network and access a set of resources to work on the SDGs in the classroom.
Through this initiative, the Center for Environmental Education of the Valencian Community establishes the strategic framework of reference and educational support for the construction of a society based on the principles of sustainability. It has a Plan of Commitments for Action, which includes all the experiences and activities promoted in the Valencian Community by the entities involved in EAR. In addition, it convenes an awards day to publicly recognize those Valencian entities committed to sustainability and environmental education.
The commitment of this center with the 2030 Agenda has led it to create a digital wall with educational resources to materialize the SDGs in the classroom. In it you can find multiple materials, didactic units, guides and orientations to work on the SDGs at all stages and educational levels, from Kindergarten to university. It also echoes some of the most important networks and alliances that exist in terms of school sustainability.
In the CEIP Clara Campoamor they have proposed to integrate the SDGs in the classrooms. In fact, on its website you can consult the annual general programming of the integrated didactic units for Early Childhood and Primary Education with the SDGs that are worked on in each one of them. It is also possible to learn about some of the activities they carry out in terms of sustainability.
The biggest lesson in the world is a proposal sponsored by UNESCO and UNICEF, whose objective is to promote the integration of the SDGs in the teaching and learning processes. This is a Project Everyone program of great importance and impact, which has managed to reach 17.9 million children in more than 160 countries. In addition to making this initiative known, in this web space you can find the campaigns launched, the organizations involved in its implementation and a wide range of resources and educational activities to work on the SDGs in educational spaces.
Through the website of this educational center, you can find some teaching resources to work on the SDGs in the English subject.
Aligned with the principles of the 2030 Agenda,Teachers for future Spaino Teachers for the future brings together a large group of teachers concerned about the climate emergency. According to its founding manifesto, the objective of this platform is to promote environmental awareness among students, through the modification of the management of educational centers and the curricular integration of sustainability. For this, in their web space you can find multiple resources, inspiring experiences and many of the actions they have carried out to develop a more eco-social curriculum.
Aligned with the principles of the 2030 Agenda,Teachers for future Spaino Teachers for the future brings together a large group of teachers concerned about the climate emergency. According to its founding manifesto, the objective of this platform is to promote environmental awareness among students, through the modification of the management of educational centers and the curricular integration of sustainability. For this, in their web space you can find multiple resources, inspiring experiences and many of the actions they have carried out to develop a more eco-social curriculum.