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"Educational leadership and SDGs within the framework of the LOMLOE"

November 23 and 24

Liderazgo educativo

Our calendar!

These are 12-hour sessions, organized by the LEDS team and CEFIRE of Alicante, in collaboration with the Department of General and Specific Didactics of the UA. 

They are especially aimed at the members of the management teams of the educational centers of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education. However, teachers are also encouraged to participate. 

Since the focus of the sessions is theoretical-practical, we wanted to have professionals from the academic and professional field who are a reference in the field of leadership and/or the SDGs. 

Among other aspects, we will have the opportunity to learn the keys to developing leadership committed to the SDGs, as well as to exchange educational experiences around the SDGs, developed in the school setting. 

We will attend the 1st meeting for management and innovation teams of centers: "Lead a sustainable school"
Organized by ODS Certified

In our globalized world, nothing that happens to us is alien to us, we are interconnected and depend on each other. We must learn to behave as global citizens. 

Pilar Deben

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